Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Phew, it hurts. <:o

How can I possibly put all these last few days into one entry? I don't know if I can. But I'll try. :D So about 2 days ago, I went to a birthday party for one of my bestest friends ever, Taylor. [: We went to Sedona and stayed at this uber fancy hotel called the King...[I forgot the Second part]. But before I get ahead of myself, all 8 of us crammed into her mom's black SUV and rode down to Old Jerome. It was pretty cool looking at all of the old shops, and the little cliff-side town. All I bought while I was there though, was a 3 dollar ice cream cone. It was mocha almost chocolate. It was delicious. :D Meanwhile, I was ignoring one of my ex friends. And all of a sudden she just comes up and hugs me. End of that grudge. All in all, it was a great trip. We headed down from Jerome down to Sedona, and took a 15 minute hike [which ended up being a total waste of money], and then Headed down to our hotel. All 8 of us slipped right into our bikinis and hopped into the giant L-shaped pool they had there. I think it was about 8 feet total. Anyways, we went swimming about twice, and we opened gifts and had cake and everything. I got Taylor a yellow purse, and some make-up. I didn't have all that much money, but I made do with what I had. So now, here I am back at my grandparents house, typing and bored to death. But the summer's passed right by, and on July 30th, I have 8th grade registration! Yay! [Not really]. And in 4 days, I'm going on a 3 day shopping trip to Phoenix with my Grandma and best friend Ashley for school clothes! It's going to be the best year ever so far. Good wardrobe, and guess what else? My grandma said whatever amount of money I earned from babysitting my cousin, she would double!
So far, I think I have 120 bucks. So maybe about 240 when we actually go on the trip! I can't wait! Well tata for now, readers! :D --Kiana--

Monday, July 6, 2009

Give a little, blog a little.

Whoohooo! So how long has it been since the last time I've blogged? About 1, 2, 3, >6< MONTHS?! Wow. Well, I'm here to catch you up! It's your lucky day! :O So here I am in gorgeous Sierra Vista, Arizona. Wifi has been scarce as I've been staying with my great grandmother in Tucson for the past 5 days. I'm glad to be out of there! The musty smell, the look of wrinkles everywhere you look, is not overwhelming, rather underwhelming [the idea of old age doesn't exactly attract me, although I love my family very much]. We also went to an old theme park in Tucson, just the other day. Old Tucson to be exact! [Nice name huh?] Well I've got a couple pictures to put up, and I think I'll make a slide show, so I don't have to take up a bunch of room. You'll find 2 or 3 different slideshows on the sidebar to your right with pictures from Old Tucson, and Queen Mine, which we went to today in Bisbee. We had to wear thick, raincoat-like jacket, along with a belt that held a heavy flashlight battery that draped over your right shoulder. You also had to wear a hardhat. It was amazing how cold it was in the mine. A toasty 47* F! Well, we rode a minature train into the mine, and we went up a staircase into a room where at least 30x60 feet of rock had been blasted out in the 1900s by old time miners. While we were being told the story of everything, I took a lot of pictures. Did I forget to mention that the town's main production was copper? They name all their stores/lodges after that fact as well. They've got the Copper Queen Hotel. Their lights in the mini-mall are made of copper. Most of the souvenirs in the gift shop were copper. :O It's like find some gold or something! Lol. We also scoped out the local shops, and art galleries. If you ever go there, be sure to check out the Bizz Art Gallery. It's pretty cool. And they had memorbilia of my favorite thing in the world: Twilight! :D I was shocked when we got in there. I thought it was just going to be another boring day, of typical tour-ism-ing. But nope. Unfortunately, the store owner decided to tell us the truth of the shirts, that they was seconders, but who cares? That made my day.
After that, we decided to head to the hotel and relax. We had a few issues with the manager, with wifi and all. But if it weren't for my grandma, I wouldn't be writing right now! So we went swimming, took showers, etc. And tomorrow, we're going to go to Katchner Caverns! :D Some kind of caves. We studied them in science class, back in December-January? Anyway, I'm going to post the pictures and I'm off to bed, for an early morning to Karchner tomorrow morning. Well, tata for now! -Kiana

Monday, February 9, 2009

half sick day..?

today, i got up extra early just to go to school and stuff. well a while after my mom left, my stomach started rumbling like i was starved or something. then in p.e. and science i got this extruciating pain going throughout my entire stomach and it hurt REALLY bad. i couldnt help but text my mom in the middle of class and have grandfather come and get me. i went to the nurse before he came and got me, and she said it was just because i hadnt eaten that morning and the hydrochloric acid was just gnawing at my stomach and that it was not going to stop until i gave it something to eat like food to digest and it would rest for awhile until i ate the nect meal. well my granpa still came to get me but im kind of glad that i went home because it continued for awhile after i got home to his house. well right now the snow is unbearable and u cant even see the road below. here's a picture this is amazing!! we havent had snow like this in northern aarizona in ages! (im talking like an old lady hahahahaha) oh well anyways heres the picture. thats pretty good fore nothern arizona huh?? i had to take the trash out just a little while ago. and it took me 10 minutes just to get down to the dumpster and throw the thing in. im not sure how many inches we have right now but im pretty sure its almost a foot and a half, and its still snowing too!! well i better go right now, dinners almost ready and i still have to get ready for bed and clean my bathroom!! ttyl, -kiana-

Friday, February 6, 2009

little here, little there, little everywhere

ok so the word round the street is that im starting to blog again! well its true! i never told u about how my bday went but im going to leave that for later.. ive got bigger news that has just risen and fallen and gone over the place like a rollercoaster off of its tracks! ok so first things first: my parents got back together a couple weeks after my dad came back from phoenix! then after several fights and nights out to the bar, they decided to take marriagee counseling.... now everythings screwed up again, my dads back in phoenix, and my moms beginning to hang out with her hevy drinking friends again!! well since everythings back to normal now, you would think, that i would be heartbroken after having to deal with all this dramam and junk. well ur kinda wrong. im not that heartbroken anymore cuz my parents have had so many good times together it just kinda sits there unremembered and all the bad times seem to rules out the good ones, but even with all my parents the way they are, i forgave both of them, because i guess its just not meant to be! i was very sad at first but now i realize that maybe theres another time, another place, anotehr chance. so for now, im going to stay happy with the way things are in my life.
ok but to get things started from now. there was a huge fight going on between a couple of my friends earlier and i got myself involved. too involved. everythings fine now, but everything was a huge trainwreck a couple days earlier. two best friends gone against each other, an enemy actually becoming a best friend. and everything just seemed to fall apart. howd we fix everything you ask? well i dont know. it just all seemed to fall into place and thats where we are today.

ok so my grades havent been all that they used to be but im working extremely hard to get them back up in taht range. i remember that my math teacher said that theres a wall that the students sometimes hit when they dont understand something. well it seems that my entire class except for maybe a few people have hit that wall. a big red brick wall surrounding from side to side extending to the sky. u cant go over it or go around it or under it, you have to break the hole and get through by useing the power of math!! LOL. well anyway im beginning to get the early stages of carpel tunnel by typing so much, so im gonna say im gona have to go for now cuz i also have a friend over and dont want to keep her waiting so for now: TATA! MWAH! :)


Saturday, October 4, 2008


so i may not have told you this but at about the same time that mii dad is coming back it is my birthday. my friends are begining to come oer rite now so i better go but ill post some pics and write some more tomorrow after the party!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

And The Crowd Goes Wild....!

Ok, so remember when I told you that volleyball was my life? I meant it. I know I haven't written in awhile, but we have a lot to catch up on. Ok so today, I had a game vs. Bradshaw Mountain. It wasn't a very close game when we started, but unfortunately we lost. So far we have had 2 wins, and 3 losses. Last year, we had like 11 wins 1 loss. It was amazing, we were undeafeated until our last game against Mile High. But today was torture, because Bradshaw only got points off of our cheap shots (when we only hit he ball once, or when we missed a ball or a serve). They couldn't even serve more than 3 times in a row. It was crazy, but anyway yeah. Oh so also this weekend, the weekend before, and a few weekends before that, I hav been hanging out with a new friend, Maddie! She's really cool, she's on the volleyball team too and she just learned how to get her overhand serve over most of the time. I am really proud of her. Anyway, this weekend we were both with Amber and we went to Goldwater Lake along with Taylor and like 6 of Amber's cousins. It was so fun, we played on the volleyball courts for a couple of hours and then we hit the lake and took the little kids in the kayak out all over the lake. It was so awesome. We then had lunch and played on the courts for about another 2 hours. The day after that we decided to go to Slide Rock. Maddie, Amber, and I had a blast (beside the fact that we got out butts all cut up on the rocks). First we had about a 2 mile hike I would guess. On the way down into the canyon, we finally got to the beautiful blue-green water and we swam almost 1/4 of the way to the actually slide area. Now I may not have mentioned that these slides are natural and are naturally smooth. I was kind of scared to go on the first one then we had a blast going down the really big ones and jumping off the 10 foot cliff. It was so cool, then the night before that we had the first school dance of 7th grade. It was so fun, I danced with a few boys, but mostly had fun jumping around with my best friends. We kind of had a little clique. Some of my friends and I, went around teasing the 6th graders. It was kind of fun. We even danced in a group with somme 6th grade boys. Well, anyway the past few weeks (or months, lol) that I haven't been writing have been pretty cool! So for right now, I think I will leave it at that! OH but wait one more thing, my dad is coming up in about a month! I CANNOT wait! Well, it's late gotta go. LUVVVVS< keeeonnna

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Moving All Day Long...

Well so far today (LMBO, it's only 1015am), we (ok my gramma) have been doing nothing but moving! Haha, I don't know what to say, so I'll put more in another post! Luv, Kiana

Thursday, July 24, 2008

School Shopping!

Today, I watched Niko (again). I don't know how long I have been watching him, but I am getting paid really good money. He came to my house today, and nana was here too. But guess what? She made Koryne stay with me for a almost 3 hours, and she drove me nuts! For the rest of the time, that Niko was here, he played Crash Bandicoot for awhile again, and then my grandma came and picked us both up and we went to eat at In n' Out Burger. Afterward, we headed to Wal-Mart to go shopping for school supplies. The list wasn't as big as last year, but it still cost a lot of money! And guess what else? I had to pay for my own school supplies! My mom had and has no money at all, so I had to waste my babysitting money on school supplies, when she is wasting her money on stupid things like beer and cigarettes. Anyway, after I got dropped off, nana made us a really delicious dinner. She made hot wings, and broccoli. So that leads up to now, I am having a peaceful 2 hours, even though I didn't go get to see Wall~E again with Koryne and Nana. She keeps nagging me though, and it sure makes me feel really good (NOT)! Anyway, gotta go. I am watching a movie. ~ Kiana

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nana Comes to Town!

So.. Yesterday, my nana came to visit us. She is staying the next 2 or 3 nights at our new apartment. She is very strict sometimes, but we still love her. I was away today, though and I will be tomorrow because I was babysitting Niko today. So, when Niko and Dina came to pick me up this morning to take me to her house, my nana asked why Niko can't come over here for me to babysit. I say, "I don't know." as usual, and then continue going out the door, because Dina was in the parking lot. Well, tomorrow Niko will be babysat at my house, IDK maybe there is just more stuff to do here, and that's why nana just kept saying she wanted him here. IDK (haha, again). But anyway, I played the computer a little while at Dina's and the other times me and Niko played games on his PS2 and I made him lunch (ok, so I didn't really make it exactly. I took chicken from KFC out of the fridge, but anyway haha.). Then, we went back to playing games, and he was good for the rest of the day! Oh, but I forgot one huge part! My mom came and picked up both us, because guess what? It was school registration day! Big whoop! So we went to my school, and registered me. Anyway, that was pretty boring except for the fact that I got straight A's, my AIMS scores came back excellent, and I got to see my new locker! Yes, it's top locker this year!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Anyway, thanks for reading, and I will try to be bloggin more, like Sadie of Foolsewoode. Luv, Kiana.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ah Sweet Life...

Well, so far todays sucks. My mom is mad at me. My little sister does everything she possibly can to annoy me. Ah good times. Good times... NOT! Well so I spent the last 2 nights, visiting my grandma and grandpa trying to get away from everything that sucks at my new home. Right now, my mom has over her 46 year old looking bf. He literally looks like he's 46 (he's only 37, or so my mother tries to tell me). He's got ugly light brown hair that goes down to his waist and I have never seen his eyes, because he is always wearing sunglasses. He must be blind or something. :| It's weird though, because I really don't want to meet him. My mom says he is awesome, but I think he's nothing more than anyone else. That's all he'll ever be. I don't know what she sees in him. I am waiting to go with my aunt (my mom said she would take me there, but it doesn't look like its gonna happen anytime soon) and I was gonna help her with her estate sale. Also, my mom's boss owes me $16 for doing some work for her, so I am gonna treat my aunt, my grandma, and me to some Frozen Yogartz. That place is so yummmmmmmmy. I always get a double chocolate with a light chocolate truffle over the top, with some strawberries, brownie pieces, and cherrie on top! It's so delicioius. Well, anyway I better be going because we are going to go soon. I doubt my mom will let us stop by frozen yogartz, but I guess it's worth a shot, if she's still not as mad as heck at me for staying in my room the whole time while we are at home. I'm serious this is the worst bf she has ever had. OOOO, maybe not except Gary (he had this evil little girl named Katie, and she always ganged up with my sister and ugh it's just so disgusting, the older guys my mom goes for. Anyway, I gotta go because now we are getting ready to leave and now I'm really sick of typing and my sister won't leave me alone! *pulls hair out* Jk, jk. But anyway, gotta go. LOL. luv, kiana